CREW project
CREW project
Coordinated Wetland management in Italy
Croatia cross border region
Interreg V-A Italy-Croatia CBC Programme
The University of Camerino is partner of CREW project that benefits from public fundings from the European Regional Development Fund of € 1.561.405,36 and from a National co-financing from € 275.542,14 giving the total budget of € 1.836.947,50.
The project was presented under the priority axis 3 “Environment and cultural heritage” of Interreg V-A Italy-Croatia CBC Programme by an European consortium consisting of eight local and regional public entities and Universities that will cooperate to develop a multi-level governance tool to manage coastal wetlands ecosystems, which are a vital source for the biodiversity.
The aim of the project is to protect the biodiversity of Italian and Croatian coastal wetlands by setting up an transnational Observatory to monitor best practices and dates, and by implementing a management method according to the principles of the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) based on the set up of Wetland Contracts.
The University of Camerino will participate with a research group of the School of Biosciences and Veterinary Medicine coordinated by Professor Andrea Catorci, and will lead the consortium for the creation of the transnational Observatory and strategy in order to collect data on coastal wetlands in pilot areas and to install a monitoring system to strengthen cross border networks among Italian and Croatian coastal wetlands.
Project Infos and News: